Most liked social media post’ photographed by Michaela Hagger , Salzburg 2002
What people say:
he who has a why can bear almost any how
Writing presentation about you
Mithu, I dont know
No wit
your art seems very interesting
someone for the love of god go watch fooly cooly
an orange day
a beautiful world
After Unhome, what happens next?
Suddenly you discover that there is no self to discover, no self to realise - THE END
All you feel is united hate.
.(Un) Comical.
Comic Sans Forever
Boring life and interesting minutiae recorder
this is cool. so much art is mid, but this is cool
Everything happens for a reason
Kali maa of 21st century, disruptive creation
Fantastic mind boggling work
I want my hair back!
No limits
He has a paln and I have a purpose.
I'm the River
Mithu Sen is fascinated by the "psychology of humans."
Art is everywhere
Mithu Sen performs conceptual and interactive multi-format byproducts which include drawing, performance, poetry, moving images, sculptures, installations, sound, and others to explore and subvert hierarchical codes and rules, with particular reference to the ‘myths’ of sexuality, language, market, and marginalisation.
She constantly (un)defines concepts and their functioning with regard to acceptable modes of interactions, questioning pre-codified hierarchies that define the social performance of roles, and politics of tabooed identity. Through various devices and interventions, methodologies of play, vulnerability and intuition she challenges the standards of social exchange, undermining the codes we come to rely on.
Her practice produces languages that come under scrutiny as linguistic structures and hegemonies are abstracted as ‘non-language’, what Sen calls ‘lingual anarchy’ –a praxis that employs glitch, noise, and sonic effects in its spontaneous creation that subverts social norms, including those around art production, exhibition, and reception.
Through radical hospitality, lingual anarchy, counter capitalism, untaboo sexuality, and unmonolith identity; the artist persistently explores the void of in betweenness, where (un)constructs dwell, waiting to be (un)realised.
Chemould Prescott Road, Mumbai , India
Breaking News







until you 206 @ Sadie coles, London 2022
Books & Catalogues:
Mithu Sen: mOTHERTONGUE, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, 2023
Cognitive Ignorance by Winwin88, Foundation of Contemporary Art, 2022
Mithu Sen: Mit i sny | Myth and Dreams, Galeria Miejska Arsenał, 2018
"A ° V O I D", Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna 2015
"Border Unseen", by Karin Zitzewitz, Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum, 2014
"Vitamin D2: New Perspectives In Drawings", edited by Craig Garrett, Phaidon Press Limited, New York 2013
"Avant Gardes of the 21st Century", Phaidon Press Limited, London, 2013
"In House Adoption", published by Galerie Steph and Nature Morte, January 2012
"Nothing Lost in Translation", Nature Morte, Berlin, 2010
"I Hate Pink", 2007
"Drawing room", 2006
"It's Good to Be Queen", 2006
"Half Full", 2007
ABC Television
Mithu Sen in Conversation, ACCA Podcast
Mithu Sen’s Subversion of the Violent Artifices of Language, by Vyshnavee Wijekumar, Art Review
‘My preferred medium is life itself’: Mithu Sen, by Sukhada Tatke, Frontline
Mithu Sen Speaks in Tongues, by Hilary Thurlow, Frieze
Mithu Sen on Art, Poetry, and Lingual Anarchy, by Natalie King, Ocula
The Art Show, ABC Radio National
Artist Mithu Sen, by Neha Kale, The Saturday Paper
Mithu Sen is one of India's foremost contemporary artists but she doesn't consider herself an activist, rather a trickster, ABC works
Interview: Mithu Sen centres “lingual anarchy” to question institutions and the art market, by Amelia Winata, Artguide
Language, hospitality and discomfort in the work of Mithu Sen, mOTHERTONGUE is a dense, mid-career survey of Bengal-born artist Mithu Sen that escapes simple definitions, by Celina Lei
mOTHERTONGUE, Platform magazine
MOTHERTONGUE: Peter Hill And Mithu Sen In Conversation
In a mid-career retrospective, Mithu Sen showcases a body of work at ACCA in Melbourne, which disrupts and challenges the normal, New Indian express
Mithu Sen, mOTHERTONGUE by Art Writing and Criticism Students, Mel Deerson and Rex Butler
Sharjah Biennial 15 reflects on complex histories through a contemporary lens, by Shaikh Ayaz, Architectural Digest
New vision at the Sharjah Biennial, Max Lunn, Perspective
Mithu Sen — Gender and Glitch, Biennial Bytes by Sharjah Art Foundation
"Mapping the Agency of Trash: A New Materialist Re-reading of Contemporary Indian Art", Third text, by Tanvi Jain & Shatarupa Thakurta Roy
All Canaries Bear Watching: The Pharmakon of Left Curatorialism, by Sandip K. Luis, TAKE on Art
Arrested Welcome: 'Hospitality in Contemporary Art', by Irina Aristarkhova
"Art reflects how we see women" , by Cathryn Keller, The Washington Post
GRID Heritage, JNU
"Embodied Change" — South Asian art show redefines what it means to be female, By Kai Curry, Northwest Asian Weekly
“Conclusion: Infrastructure is Not (Only) a Metaphor,” in Infrastructure and Form: The Global Networks of Indian Contemporary Art, 1991-2008, by Karin Zitzewitz
“We Have Entered a Stage of Overproduction”: The Weight of (Un)hospitality and the Performative Self, by Karin Zitzewitz, Critical Times
Unsettling the Normative with Mithu Sen, by Jess Henderson, Maeken
From Accentuating Sexuality to Questioning Hierarchy, Mithu Sen’s Works of Art Explore Multiple Domains, Outlook
This Constant Becoming: An Interview with Mithu Sen, by Erica X Eisen, The Hypocrite Reader
Erasure, by Meera Menezes, ART FORUM
UnMYthU : Unquantize, Sonbeek
Mithu Sen's work at Radhika Chopra's Neo-baroque mansion, by Sunil Sethi, Architectural Digest
“New Delhi: Churning of the World.” by Deeksha Nath, ArtAsiaPacific
Mithu Sen, OCULA
THE UNMYTH OF BRYAN’S WORLD, by Mithu Sen, Ming studios
A meditative showcase from India at Art Basel, Avantika Bhuyan, Mint lounge
Art Basel: A look at the Indian heavyweights on view, by Arshia Dhar, Architectural Digest
This Constant Becoming: An Interview With Mithu Sen, by Erica X Eisen, Hypocrite reader
“The Left Reflects on the Global Pandemic and Speaks to Transform!” Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Mithu Sen’s concept-laden practice unearths the unseen meanings of body and home, by Dilpreet Bhullar, StirWorld
Marg in their 75 years issue on 'Must artist be activist?'
“What Does It Mean to be a Postcolonial Feminist? The Artwork of Mithu Sen.”, Hypatia, by Sushmita Chatterjee, Cambridge Core
Unsocial media by MASH
Kate daw's artistic research in the asia, The university of Melbourne
My Medium is Life, by Anuj Kumar, The hindu
Performance and mixed media artist Mithu Sen on what fuels her feminism and how she learned to love the colour pink, India Art Fair
“The Archive in Real Time: Gossip and Speculation in the World of South Asian Art.” Art Journal by Karin Zitzewitz
“Mithu Sen, Thomas Erben Gallery.”, Kate Sutton, Artforum
Overturning the male gaze through art, by Sujatha Shankar Kumar, The Hindu Business Line
An Act of Persistence, by Chinki Sinha, India Today
Artist Mithu Sen on (Un)Mansplaining, her satirical performance piece from the 2019 Venice Biennale, by Rosalyn D'mello, Firstpost
My medium is life: Mithu Sen, by Anuj Kumar, The Hindu
In conversation with Mithu Sen, the artist who wants to 'unmake' everything 2018
Provocation and Insistence: A Conversation with Mithu Sen, by Susan Krane
In conversation with Mithu Sen, the artist who wants to 'unmake' everything, by Chinki Sinha, India Today
The un-making of Mithu Sen, by Somak Ghosal, Livemint
Mithu Sen on Platform Magazine, by Rosalyn D'Mello
Provocation and Insistence: A Conversation with Mithu Sen, by Susan Krane, Sculpture Magazine
UNHomed | The Radical Hospitality of Mithu Sen, by Sue Bell Yank and Vasundhara Mathur, 18thstreet
Museum of unbelongings (mou) by mithu sen remains permanently in the kunstmuseum wolfsburg, by Durjoy Bangladesh, Germany
Mithu Sen, Artfacts
“(Un)MYthU: Byproducts of twenty years of performance - A process of seeing and unseeing.” by Jesal Thacker, for Critical Collective
“‘New’ Feminisms in India: Encountering the ‘West’ and the Rest,” in Rethinking New Womanhood, edited by Nazia Hussein article by Sushmita Chatterjee
Women speak out: Ten female artists submit statements on their experiences with sexual harassment and sexism, ArtAsiaPacific
“The India that was”, The Pioneer
“The Museums of Time and Space” by Chinki Sinha, India Today
“Art Stars Trek to Nepal for the First Kathmandu Trienniale, Promoting Regional Solidarity”, by Skye Arundhati Thomas
“Women’s Day special: Women talk about desire and other difficult dialogues”, Mithu Sen, The Indian Express, March 2017
“Mithu Sen isn't afraid to depict sexuality in her works”, by Anindita Ghosh, Femina
“Mithu Sen: I constantly change my mediums so the market will not be able to trap me”, Skye Arundhati Thomas, Studio International, May 2017
‘I constantly change my medium so the market will not be able to trap me’, by Skye Arundhati Thomas, Studio International
Mithu Sen: The Constant Performer, by Rosalyn D'Mello, OPEN Magazine
The un-making of Mithu Sen, by Somak Ghosal, Livemint
“Art Basel questionnaire, Mithu Sen, MOU (Museum of Unbelongings)”, Artreview
“The Borders Between Us.” by Karin Zitzewitz, Art India
“Mithu Sen: Poetry, Beauty, and Androgyny.” by Jyoti Dhar, ArtAsiaPacific
Indian Artists Look Westward, and Homeward, at the Queens Museum, by Holland Cotter, New York Times
Between certain forms of life and what is living, by Daniela Zyman, Critical Collective
“Mithu Sen”, by Lee Ann Norman, Bomb Magazine
“Mithu Sen at the Broad”, by Karin Zitzewitz
Critic’s Picks, by Murtaza Vali, Artforum
In Conversation: Mithu Sen, by Asian American Writers Workshop
Vitamin D2: New Perspectives In Drawings. New York: Phaidon Press Limited, by Craid Garrett
Avant Gardes of the 21st Century, Phaidon Press Limited
“Organic Dreams of Electric Sheep: Image, Empathy and Pulse (After Philip K. Dick)” by Renuka Sawhney
“Mithu Sen, Galerie Steph.” by Sherman Sam, Artforum
‘In house adoption’ show in Singapore at gallery steph, by Sherman Sam, Artforum critic’s pick
Artists at the India Art Fair, by Georgina Maddox, India Today
Gift Economies: System of Love and Exchange in FreeMithu, by Latika Gupta, TAKE ON ART
High Blood Pressure, by Vandana Kalra, The Indian Express
Article by Hemant Sareen, ArtAsiaPacific
“Interview with Mithu Sen”, by Sophia Powers, ARTSLANT
Black Candy: Welcome to Mithu Sen’s Exotic Adventure, by Himanshu Bhagat, Motherland
Mithu Sen by Sabine B. Vogel, Artforum